Feeling overwhelmed, worn out, or that you’re failing at it all?

You’re in the right place.

Let’s grow together, embracing each day, becoming the women we were created to be: faithfully alive and free in our hearts + homes.


FREE Mini-Guide

7 Ways To Overcome Feelings of Overwhelm, Worn Out, and Failure


Hi I’m Sheena

It’s my deepest hope to help women embrace a joyful life with simplicity, grace, intention, and boldly surrendered faith. You don’t have to continue the cycle of overwhelm, constantly feeling like you're not enough or failing at it all. Together we can be alive in our faith and free to live with more joy, ease, purpose and grace. 


One Sunday morning, my Pastor talked about Ezekiel 37 - the valley of dry bones. It doesn't seem like a pleasant place, but this particular message spoke to me at a time when I felt like my faith and life were dry, like the bones in the valley. Can you relate?

God told Ezekiel to say this message…

"Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! …. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord." (NLT)

Just like God breathed new life into the dry bones, He can breathe life into our dry areas, too. With God at the center, we can be alive and intentional in our faith, marriage, motherhood, the work we do, our friendships, and more. We can take action and say goodbye to the overwhelm, exhaustion, stress, and fear that have taken residence in our hearts and homes. We can let go of the all-or-nothing mindset and embrace being alive and free through Christ.

It’s my pleasure to journey with you, beautiful-hearted friend, as we grow together, becoming faithfully alive and free in our hearts and homes.

“An intentional life is built one season, one day, one small decision at a time.”

— Laura Casey

Let’s journey together @sheenawarner